Various designs and animations made for in-house slot games.
Production included the entire pipeline: Initial concept, art asset production of symbols, backgrounds and characters, as well as illustrations for marketing images and trailer videos. 
The animations of characters, symbols, win popups and backgrounds were made in Cocos and Spine, with and without 'MeshWarp', depending on technical requirements. Final assets were optimized for smallest memory sizes to optimize online performance, then integrated into the game engine for final delivery to the developers. 
"Super Sunday Jackpot" trailer, entire game production made in Cocos
Marketing posters
Conversion of 2D symbols into 3D animated objects
"800 Pound Gorilla", illustrated, rigged, and animated in Spine (without MeshWarp)
Sample of efficient way to break apart art assets and export to sheets, with aim to take up least amount of memory
Whale animated for "BigBlueBounty", using Spine (with MeshWarp)
Idle variations done in Spine, without using 'MeshWarp' (due to technical constraints of vendor)
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